St Joe's Blog

St Joe's Blog

Friday, 30 November 2012

New Books!

Y4J are so excited about the new books that have arrived in our class.  We look forward to reading them.

The Grand Appeal

Y5C are raising money for the Grand Appeal (Bristol Children's Hospital Charity).

As part of our project 'Show me the money'  we have thought about ways to raise money.  We have decided to sell Yoyos, jumpies and bookmarks, with all the profit going to the charity.  If you are interested in any of these items please see a member of Y5C.

Here are some posters we produced to advertise these products

PTFA Christmas Celebrations

Infant Christmas Film Night

This Christmas, the PTFA are staging a special infant Christmas film night for years YR - Y2, on Tuesday December 11th, from 3.30pm - 5.30pm. It will be a U certificate Christmas film, and there will be an interval half way through for drinks and snacks. Tickets will cost £2.00 and will also include a non-uniform day on the Tuesday. Look out for the form in book bags next week.

Juniors Christmas Disco

We are having a Christmas disco for years Y3-Y6 on Friday 14th December at 3.30 - 5pm, you can pick your own playlist, and there will be a tuck shop. This also includes a non-uniform day on the Friday. Tickets cost £3.00, so look out for the form in book bags next week.

Dear Mr Condon,
Thank you so much for your collection of food for us this year. We work hard to make sure everything does not go to waste and reaches people facing a crisis.

You collected a massive 123 Kg of food. We estimate this will feed 5 families for three days and will give them food to prepare approximately 200 meals.

 The generosity of schools, churches and businesses this autumn has been overwhelming. It means we will be able to feed people in crisis for at least two months, possibly three.

Steve, Andy, Lesley, Brenda and Pat
The East Bristol Foodbank Team

Thursday, 29 November 2012

Strike it rich!

Children in Y5C have struck it rich!! Amazing things have happened to the class over recent weeks, from discovering priceless works of art to finding ancient gold coins.  These incredible stories have been told in many newspapers.

Year 2 visiting Fishponds Library

Tuesday, 27 November 2012


Y5C have been looking at advertising in literacy. 

Money Science

Today Y5C have been undertaking money science as part of their project 'Show me the money'.  The children undertook the following activities:

Analysing money under a microscope/magnifying glass

Cleaning coins - exploring which substances clean coins.

Penny drop - how many drops of different liquids can you add to a coin before it spills over?

Experimenting with magnets - which currencies are magnetic?

Year 6 Rock Band Concert videos

Year 6 Rock Band Concert

Saturday, 24 November 2012

Dealing with Problems in School

The School Council met last year and wrote some great guidance for other children, if they have a problem in school –
We expect every pupil to take responsibility for looking after each other and being there for everyone!
Someone on their own –

We expect everyone in the school to ask them if they are OK. Perhaps ask them to join in and play. If that does not help ask Buddies for advice.

Children who argue -

Get Buddies to help as they have been trained to help with children who do not get on with each other.

Children hurting each other –

Tell a member of staff immediately.

If you think someone is being bullied –

If you feel able to, point out to the bully what they are doing – they might not have realised they were bullying. Always tell a member of staff who will tell the Headteacher. Befriend the child who is being bullied.

Friday, 23 November 2012

Having fun with Numicon

The Reception class having lots of fun with Numicon.

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Giant Tours

Children in Years 2-5 learning all about the human body.

Friday, 16 November 2012

Remembrance Day prayers and reflections

Y6P wrote Remembrance Day prayers and reflections.

 For the Soldiers Thank you for being so brave
Thank you for all the lives you save
Thank you for all that you do
We will pray for all of you. (Nadia)

Remembrance Day After all the years that have gone by,
Some soldiers still all bled and die.
We remember to this day
Where the soldiers’ bodies lay.

I think Remembrance Day is important for all of us. It is a peaceful day but it is also sad. I think it is a nice thing to do because, if someone has lost a member of their family, when they see all the people wearing poppies it will make them feel that they are not alone. (Rachel)

 Dear Lord,
 Please help all the soldiers who are dying for us. I want to wake up one morning and hear that the wars are over. Please can we hope that the world can live in peace and there is no fighting.  Amen (Laura S)

 Dear Lord,
 Please help every soldier in the forces, everywhere; veterans young and old and people fighting now. Please help the families of departed and wounded soldiers.  Amen (Dean)

Thursday, 15 November 2012

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Be Bright – Bike It High Visibility Day

A reminder that tomorrow we will be having a Bike-It ‘High Viz Day’.

The day will start with a quick parade, with children showing off their ‘High Viz’ bikes. This will be followed by special assembly led by Ian, our Bike-It officer. All parents are welcome to this assembly and afterwards parents are welcome to stay for tea or coffee and have a chat with Ian about how we can make walking and cycling to school easier and safer. Also at 3.30pm, in the playground, there will be a ‘High Viz’ light and vest sale with some really good bargains on offer for the darker winter months.

Any child can wear something bright into school, but it is NOT a non-uniform day. All children are expected to wear school uniform tomorrow.

We hope that we will see some of you tomorrow.

Best wishes

Matt Condon


Tuesday, 13 November 2012