St Joe's Blog

St Joe's Blog

Friday, 30 January 2015

St Matthew's Got Talent

As a reward for gaining the most team points last term, the children in St Matthew's team were treated to their own talent show, organised by the year sixes. Wow! What a show!

Chaplaincy Team meet St Patricks

Inset next week

Just a reminder that the school will be closed this coming Monday, 2nd February, for staff training.

Friday, 23 January 2015

Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Investigating which solids dissolve in water

Today in Science Y5C investigated which solids dissolve in water. 

Sunday, 18 January 2015

Space Invaders

Last week Y5C began their new topic called 'space Invaders'.  We started by brainstorming what we already know about space and thought about things we would like to find out.

Friday, 16 January 2015

Being read to by Year 2

After a long day it's lovely that children from Year 2 have asked to come and read to me. What a treat on a Friday afternoon!

Brilliant writing by Naomi in Year 2

Amazingly Naomi wrote this all in 15 minutes!

Amazing number work in Reception

The Chaplaincy Team have improved the Prayer Room

Thursday, 15 January 2015

Anglo-Saxons & Vikings

Y5C have been finding out about the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings in history. 


Playing 'Dig it up' a BBC game finding Anglo-Saxon & Viking artefacts

Raising money for Shelter

Before the holidays Y5C raised money for Shelter (The housing and homeless charity)  as part of our project 'There's no place like home'

We sold Yoyos, bouncy balls, planes and puzzle snakes with all the profit going to the charity.  So far we have raised just over £230.

Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Monday, 12 January 2015

Welcome to our guests from the local Muslim Community

Four respected visitors came into school to reach us about Prophet Muhammad, as it is his birthday this month. It was a fascinating talk and we all spoke about the values of love, peace and understanding.