St Joe's Blog

St Joe's Blog

Monday, 26 September 2016

Year 6 - Light

Year 6 have been studying light in Science. We worked in groups to present our learning using wool to represent the rays of light, so that we could teach younger pupils about how we see things. 

Sikhism holiday homework

During the Summer holidays pupils in Y5C undertook a project on Sikhism.  Since then the children have been sharing their learning in class.

Thursday, 22 September 2016


Today Y5C continued yesterday's learning from Peace Day on refugees.  We looked at the book 'The Colour of home' where a young boy from Somalia finds it hard being a refugee in Britain.  

In geography we located the countries Europe's refugees are coming from.

Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Peace day - refugees

Today for Peace Day Y5C have been studying refugees.  We built refugee tents to highlight the number of refugees fleeing war and persecution. Refugees are forced to leave their homes behind and travel to a new country, often to set up home at a refugee camp with tents. 

Image result for refugees camp

Monday, 19 September 2016

Locating & evaluating homes around the world

Y5C have been exploring homes around the world as part of their 'No place like home' topic.  We began by matching different homes to descriptions about them.  Afterwards we located these homes on a world map and then evaluated their positives and negatives.

Place Value

Year 5 working on place value in Maths lessons.

Monday, 5 September 2016

There's no place like home

Today Y5C began their project 'There's no place like home'. During the topic the class will be studying homes & houses and about our home (Bristol/UK). We kicked off the project by playing the property game Monopoly. As well as being great fun, the game provided lots of opportunities to improve our maths such as money and calculation skills. We found out the meaning of vocabulary in the game such as auction, rent and tax.