St Joe's Blog

St Joe's Blog

Friday, 30 September 2011

Dahlicious Dress Up Day

Counting Money

Y4J have been counting up all the money raised as part of the Dahlicious Dress Up Day in aid of Roald Dahl's Marvellous Charity to help sick children. We have raised so far £147.48! Well done everyone.

Reading Roald Dahl

Classes have been mixing up to share Roald Dahl poems and stories as part if Roald Dahl day.

-- By Mr Sherwin

Thursday, 29 September 2011

Comparing maps

Y5/6C have been comparing maps of Bristol over time as part of their 'Back to the future' project. The children looked at maps of this area from the past through to the present (over 200 years) and saw how dramatically things had changed. They took on the very difficult task of transferring data from the newer maps onto the map from 1817 to show where the changes had been.

Y5/6C history homework

As part of their 'Back to the future' project Y5/6C undertook a history homework finding out about the history of Fishponds or Bristol. The children enjoyed presenting and sharing what they found out to the rest of the class. These projects are now on display in the school hall.

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Song Leaders leading singing of African song in Year 2

A happy summer lunchtime!!

Rock Band starting in Class Y6B

Mr Condon teaching Read Write

Year 1 are doing really well this morning writing about the story of Big Blob and Baby Blob. They are really good at teaching each other how to read and also know what to do to make their writing really good.

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Fr Joy talking about Hindu traditions.

This afternoon Father Joy was invited into Year 5 and 6 classes. He gave a really interesting talk about how Catholic traditions in Kerela have been interested by Hindu traditions.

Monday, 26 September 2011

Amazing independent learning in Year 1!!!

Children in Year 1 are filming each other estimating and counting. They are learning without the support of an adult and are doing a really good job teaching each other.

Friday, 23 September 2011

Training Learning Detectives in Year 5

Problem solving with money in year 1

-- By Mr Sherwin

Ethiopia Assembly

In a special assembly this morning, Sue and Jamie from the charity for-ethiopia presented a video of children in Addis Alem in Ethiopia watching our choir sing the Water Song last year.

Our school responded in song (which was videoed) and were also presented with stone crosses for children in the school choir. It's great having friends in such an amazing place as Ethiopia!

Thursday, 22 September 2011

Looking at wars since World War 2

Yesterday for Peace day Y5/6C focused on wars since World War 2. We began by looking at the location of wars since WW2. We realised straight away that there were so many wars it would take too long to locate them all.

'I found out that the location of wars since WW2 were mainly in Africa and Asia. This is probably because these tend to be poor countries and/or run by dictators.' By Dean

We focused on the Falklands War and thought about how we could prevent wars in the future.

'To stop wars they should communicate and talk out their differences' By Evie

Below is a fantastic drawing by Ben of a British soldier in the Falklands War

Lunchtime Games

Thanks to the School Council for providing these new games.

Iwan from Year 6 and Governor Mr Edwards, representing the school at the Mass for Catholic Education at Clifton Cathedral

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Money totals

Year 1 have been learning how to count coins and find the total. The children are working so hard. Well done!

Here is an activity to help learn about money totals.

-- By Mr Sherwin

Monday, 19 September 2011

Reception are learning all about their bodies...

Back to Place Value in Year 5 and 6

This morning Class Y56C has been exploring place value with an abacus. They have also been discussing different properties of numbers.

Later in the lesson they will be looking at place value including some really big numbers and decimals.

I really enjoyed watching the children teach each other.

Friday, 16 September 2011

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Greater than and less than in Year 2

In maths the children in Year 2 are learning how to use the symbols for more than or less than -

Counting in tens and units in Year 1