Thank you to everybody for an amazing day that was fun but full of important learning. Highlights were:
The Hazard Room where children had to identify hazards they might see at home or in school.
Sue and Ben from Avon Fire and Rescue taliking about fire safety at home.

Kevin from the NSPCC talking to the children about protecting themselves and what to do if their is a problem. Kevin is coming back in to Year 5 and 6 next week and will be visiting other classes soon.

Maya from Sustrans talked to the children about being seen when riding a bike or walking at night.

Jon from the RNLI talked to children about being safe at the seaside.

And over 50 children rode their bikes into school and took place in our 'Bling Your Bike' competition.

Mostly, a great well done to the children for listening, learning and asking great questions.
We need to continue learning about safety all the time in school!
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